Kumpulan Ucapan Selamat Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor 22 September

Ucapan Selamat Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor 2024 – September memang merupakan bulan paling padat untuk Indonesia.

Tentu bagaimana tidak, di bulan tersebut ada banyak sekali hari peringatan penting yang semestinya dirayakan. 

Baca Juga: Sejarah Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor 22 September

Misalnya saja pada tanggal 22 September ini dimana tanggal tersebut diperingati sebagai Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor.

Menariknya, ternyata hari peringatan ini tidak hanya dirayakan di Indonesia saja melainkan juga di seluruh dunia. 

Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor Sedunia ditujukan untuk mengajak seluruh masyarakat agar tidak menggunakan kendaraan selama satu hari.

Pada saat perayaannya, semua orang disarankan untuk berjalan kaki, bersepeda ataupun menggunakan transportasi umum saat akan beraktivitas. 

Cikal bakal dari Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor Sedunia ini bermula dari aksi protes beberapa kalangan terhadap penggunaan kendaraan bermotor khususnya untuk mobil.

Pada saat itu, mobil dianggap cukup mengganggu kota serta lingkungan. 

Hal inilah yang kemudian membuat pemerintah Belanda dan Belgia mengadakan Hari Minggu sebagai Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor sejak tahun 1956-1957. 

Penetapan hari peringatan ini juga semakin diperkuat dengan banyaknya orang yang semakin menyadari akan dampak negatif kendaraan bermotor terhadap lingkungan. 

Karena hal tersebut akhirnya pada tahun 1995 diadakanlah konferensi Internasional yang menerbitkan sebuah makalah tentang strategi untuk mengurangi ketergantungan pada kendaraan bermotor. 

Baca Juga: Kumpulan Ucapan Selamat Hari Perhubungan Nasional 2024

Pada tahun 2000, Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor hadir di Amerika Serikat.

Pada saat itulah, Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor menjadi acara tahunan di 46 negara di dunia termasuk Indonesia yang pertama kali merayakannya pada tahun 2007. 

Kumpulan Ucapan Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor Sedunia 2024

Tujuan awal dari Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor Sedunia yaitu mengajak masyarakat dunia untuk tidak terlalu bergantung pada kendaraan bermotor sebagai suatu langkah untuk mengurangi polusi udara akibat kendaraan bermotor.

Karena hal tersebut tentu tak heran setiap perayaannya, salah satu acara yang diselenggarakan yaitu 1 hari tanpa kendaraan.

Nah dikarenakan menjadi salah satu seruan, tak heran jika banyak sekali ucapan dan ajakan untuk ikut serta memperingati Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor Sedunia ini. 

Baca Juga: Kumpulan Ucapan Hari Maritim Nasional 23 September 2024

Berikut ini kumpulan ucapan tentang Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor Sedunia yang bisa menjadi referensi anda: 

Daftar Ucapan Selamat Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor 22 September 2024

  • World Car Free Day 2024 is the ideal occasion to free this world from the environmental pollution that is caused due to emissions from cars.
  • Let us all support the wonderful initiative of World Car Free Day on 22nd September.
  • Let us come out of the comfort of our cars and see a different world on World Car Free Day.
  • Let us find alternatives to the use of cars on World Car Free Day.
  • World Car Free Day is an occasion for us to say goodbye to the cages in which we travel every day.
  • Let us discover the happiness of traveling in bicycles on World Car Free Day.
  • Give the rest of your car for at least one day and use your feet to reach your destination on World Car Free Day.
  • On World Car Free Day, let us remember the fact that God has gifted us with two legs that are used for walking and cars are just a luxury.
  • If you are traveling short distances on World Car Free Day then use your bicycles to make the occasion meaningful.
  • In the era of high-end luxury cars, we rarely think about the usefulness of riding bicycles or taking a walk but World Car Free Day gives us an opportunity to change this mindset.
  • Let us spend a peaceful day that will be free from the horns of cars on World Car Free Day.

Baca Juga: Sejarah Singkat Hari Angkutan Nasional 24 April

  • World Car Free Day is an occasion for us to educate the people about the adverse effects of car emissions on the environment.
  • On World Car Free Day, let us promote the idea that bicycles can save this world from the catastrophic effects of air pollution caused due to cars.
  • Let us breathe some fresh air on World Car Free Day.

Quotes Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor Bahasa Inggris 2024

  • We don’t require fuel to walk, we just need food and energy. Happy World Car Free Day.
  • World Car Free Day teaches us to value other modes of transport in our lives.
  • Yes, the world is developing at a rapid pace but at the same time, we are also paying huge costs for such development in terms of pollution. World Car Free Day can be an exception in this case.
  • In order to make this world a better place to live in for future generations, we must take the occasion of World Car Free Day very seriously.
  • Let bicycles dominate the roads on World Car Free Day 2024.
  • Let us recognize the value of walking on World Car Free Day. It is good for your own health as well as the environment.
  • Whenever you see a child riding a bicycle, you should feel that the world is in safe hands. Happy World Car Free Day.
  • You will get to know a lot about this world if you step down from your car and have a look at the surroundings. Happy World Car Free Day 2024.
  • Let us stop harming nature on World Car Free Day.
  • On World Car Free Day, we should aim to burn our fat instead of oil.
  • Learn to spend a day without your cars on World Car Free Day.
  • If you are a car owner who is willing to gain new experiences in life then World Car Free Day is the best occasion to do so.

Baca Juga: Kalender Bulan November 2022 dan Hari Peringatannya

  • Let us take the pledge to free this world of air pollution on World Car Free Day.
  • An hour of walking every day can prove to be valuable in our lives, even more, valuable than our cars. Happy World Car Free Day 2024.

Caption Sosial Media Hari Car Free Day 2024 Bahasa Inggris

  • It is high time for a change, let the bicycles replace the cars on the road on World Car Free Day.
  • Let us promote the use of environmentally friendly energies on World Car Free Day.
  • For the sake of humanity, all of us must come together to promote the use of bicycles on World Car Free Day.
  • Keep yourself away from cars to save this planet on World Car Free Day.
  • Bring out your bicycles and promote the use of green energies on World Car Free Day.
  • Keep calm and enjoy riding your bicycle on World Car Free Day.
  • There is no harm in spending one day without your car on World Car Free Day. Just remember that you are part of a noble cause.
  • Keep your cars off the road on World Car Free Day and give the future generations a chance to breathe fresh air.
  • You are actually making your life simpler without using cars on World Car Free Day.
  • Don’t be obsessed with your cars and try to find a few alternatives on World Car Free Day.
  • On World Car Free Day, let us organize cycling events in different parts of the world.  
  • May you have a thrilling and fun-filled bicycle ride on World Car Free Day.
  • The Earth can be a beautiful planet without cars polluting the environment. Happy World Car Free Day.
  • We are getting overly dependent on our cars and it is high time that we change this trend. World Car Free Day might just be the beginning towards this change.
  • A car might give you comfort but it can never provide you the enjoyment that you will get while riding a bicycle with your friends on a pleasant sunny day. Happy World Car Free Day.
  • Let us try something different on World Car Free Day, who knows we might make beautiful memories by traveling on a bicycle or by taking a walk down the city.
  • If you are seriously contemplating to see a change in this world then let it begin with you on World Car Free Day.

Baca Juga: Daftar Hari Penting di Tahun 2024

  • All of us must sacrifice our comfort on World Car Free Day for the sake of humanity.
  • Let us perceive the benefit of strolling on World Car Free Day. It is useful for your well being just as the earth. 
  • Whenever you see a kid riding a bike, feel that the world is safe. Have a wonderful World Car Free Day. 

Kata-Kata Ucapan Car Free Day 2024 Untuk Sosial Media Bahasa Inggris

  • Let’s spread the message not to harm nature on World Car Free Day.
  • On this world car-free day, let’s disseminate the message to burn fat instead of oil. 
  • A vehicle may give you comfort, yet it can never give you the satisfaction you will get while cycling with your loved ones. Happy World Car Free Day. 
  • World Car Free Day is an occasion to educate and encourage people to stop using the car and prefer more and more bicycles to protect the environment
  • World Car Free Day instructs us to esteem different methods of transport in our lives.
  • “There’s so much pollution in the air now that if it weren’t for our lungs there’d be no place to put it all.” -Robert Orben.
  • “Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.” -H.G. Wells.
  • “Man is the animal that intends to shoot himself out into interplanetary space, after having given up on the problem of an efficient way to get himself five miles to work and back each day.” -Bill Vaughan.

Status WhatsApp Car Free Day 2024 Dalam Bahasa Inggris

  • Warm wishes on International Car Free Day to you. Let us breathe some fresh air and have a better life by reducing our dependence on cars.
  • Cars have taken a toll on our environment and our health and therefore, we must use them only when they are needed. Happy International Car Free Day.
  • It is a wonderful idea to look for alternatives to cars so that we can have a happy and healthy life. Wishing a very Happy International Car Free Day to you.
  • Walking and cycling make wise alternatives to cars for smaller distances that need to be embraced. A very Happy International Car Free Day.
  • Cars are no longer a luxury as they have become habits which are not ready to give up but we must give up. Greetings on International Car Free Day.
  • On the occasion of International Car Free Day, let us remind ourselves that cars have ruined our lives in so many ways. Happy International Car Free Day.
  • There are so many other alternatives to cars, we just need to start using them. Wishing you a very Happy International Car Free Day.

Baca Juga: Sejarah Hari Tuberkulosis Sedunia 24 Maret

  • If there will be less cars on the roads, there will be more peace in our lives. Warm wishes on International Car Free Day.
  • The day we are going to switch to other modes to commute other than cars, we will have better lives. Happy International Car Free Day.
  • We are harming our environment and our health by using more cars and less cycles and our legs. Warm wishes on International Car Free Day.
  • Let us make the occasion of International Car Free Day a memorable one by promising that we will reduce the usage of cars. Happy International Car Free Day.
  • On the occasion of International Car Free Day, I extend my warm wishes to you and I wish that you will work towards reducing usage of cars.
  • Cars are for comfort but they are being used as a necessity now and this is truly alarming. Wishing a very Happy International Car Free Day to you.
  • The occasion of International Car Free Day reminds all of us that usage of cars needs to be reduced for a better life. Happy International Car Free Day.

Tagline atau Slogan Untuk Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor 2024 Bahasa Inggris

  • Stop depending on cars. Happy International Car Free Day.
  • Look for other alternatives to cars.
  • Cars are affecting our health in a bad way.
  • Let us not depend on cars. Happy International Car Free Day.
  • If you care for the environment then you must give up on cars.
  • World will be a healthier place without cars.
  • Don’t let cars rule your life and health.
  • Reducing usage of cars is the best thing to do.
  • Used cars only for long distances.

Tentang Ucapan Selamat hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor 22 September 2024

Itulah kumpulan kata-kata ucapan tentang Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor Sedunia yang selalu diperingati setiap tanggal 22 September. 

Baca Juga: Kalender Bulan September 2023 Lengkap

Mudah-mudahan dengan mengetahui sedikit sejarah dan daftar ucapan selamat hari bebas kendaraan bermotor 2024 diatas semakin menyadarkan kita akan pentingnya menjaga lingkungan. Semoga bermanfaat! 

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